1. Take a spiritual retreat.
Vision I suppose is a spiritual asset: What you were supernaturally shown you can accomplish. When your spirit gets weaker and weaker your vision faculty grows dim. ‘Tunnel vision’-when you can no longer see the big picture. A holiday or a period of personal seclusion may help to declutter you mentally and emotionally if you have been going through a lot and you are burdened. Anxieties, unforgiveness, malice, discontentment… are not good for your spiritual well being.
Isaiah 40: 31.
2. Fast and pray: fasting is therapeutic! Heals bodily, spiritually and mentally too. Acts 2:1-end. In the upper room the dsiciples reignited their passions and vision as they waited on the lord. “Like a rushing mighty wind…the Holy spirit surged in”. The engine of our spirit is like the nozzles of a car that works better when they are cleaned up. Fasting opens up our spirit to supernatural inflows.
3. Read books relevant to your mental and spiritual developments. Take a holiday and travel. Meet people, laugh loads and recreate as much as you may. Visit new places. Work out!
Staying stuck with old routines could make one spiritually and mentally stale.
Get adventurous, try things you haven’t done before. Something new!
And your mind opens afresh to you and your spirit feels fresh and reconnects you to a new stream of powerful, supernatural and explosive insights into things. your vision gets a new kick and energy.